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at Under the Bridge Art Space

North Miami, FL

November 20th, 2022 - January 22nd, 2023

ESPINA was a solo exhibition focusing on perceptions, experiences and transformations that culminated in rituals of healing and rebirth. I presented individual works that allude to the meditative process as a form of assessing loss during crisis.

One artwork in ESPINA entitled, Sopera (2022), was inspired by repetitive ritual movements created in the search for alleviation. On journeys to the ocean during the lock-down phase of the pandemic, I’d bring small objects in my pocket to lay and press onto the sand. Losing myself in this ritual led me to create endless combinations of patterns. This painting was made with photo-reactive dyes to make photograms on the canvas. I used stencils and imprints of fabrics at random to leave a ghostly image behind of this memory.

The exhibition also presented works created from imagined memories of my Cuban origins. In my Caribbean Landscape (2022) abstracts my concept of what a Caribbean landscape could contain, considering that I have never seen one in person. Both this sculpture and Amparo (2022) were created primarily from wax, a material I used as a vessel to carry natural items found in Latin-American and Caribbean healing rituals. The sculptures have wicks that were lit during the exhibition, alluding to the passage of time and transubstantiation.

Photo by Francesco Casele

Amparo, 2022

wax, ruda plant, cinnamon bark, orange peel, lemon peel, lime peel, rosemary, lavender, salt

45 x 45 x 3/4 inches

Photo by Phillip Karp

In my Caribbean landscape, 2022

Installation with wax, seed pods, poinciana flowers, leaves, glitter, soot

20 x 8 x 12 inches on pedestal;16 x 17 x 3/4 inches on wall


Amarre (love spell), 2022

wax, rose petals, carnations, red string, red peppers, glitter, secret oil, steel, copper mesh

12x12x1.5 inches

Left you at the sea, on the other side, 2022

wax, sand, shells, baby’s breath, glitter, steel, copper mesh, etched copper

12x12x1.5 inches

Rattle, 2021


13x6x3 inches

Photo by Francesco Casele

Implacable fate, 2022


18 1/4 x 6 1/2 x 1/8”

Ed. 1/3

Photo by Phillip Karp

Sopera, 2022

photo reactive dye on canvas

40x60x3/4 inches

Photo by Phillip Karp

Protejeme, 2022

wax, cinnamon bark, orange and lemon peel, rosemary, yerba buena, mint, bergamot, holy water


Ofrenda, 2022

glass of water

4.5x2.5x2.5 inches

Miner’s daughter, 2019

graphite and ink transfer on paper

8.27 x 11.69 in

Vertically Aquarius, 2019

graphite and ink transfer on paper

8.27 x 11.69 inches

Photo by Phillip Karp

Oyá, 2019
etched machete and pollen

15x3.5x1 inches

© 2024 by Jessica Gispert

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